The Nerd and the Warrior

I’m trademarking that title, don’t steal it! Just kidding. But I was both this past week as I had the pleasure of being a guest on the formidable Cara Santa Maria’s podcast TALK NERDY. I met Cara because of her involvement with the Nerd Brigade (which Scirens member Christina is a part of) but I have known of Cara for a long while — she is a science communicator/ TV personality extraordinaire. So it was a huge honor to be invited to chat with her — about scifi, geek dome, figure skating, Scirens, science, the internet of things, and the future of the world in general. you know, the usual ;). We had a great time so check it out and subscribe to her podcast! (click the image)

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And… In talking scifi with Cara (and her wanting to use my Wonder Woman avi for the episode cover), badass scifi heroes were on my mind so a picture I took post fight training ended up inspiring a new Operation B.A.B.E. blog post. If you’re new to my blog, please check it out, it covers the gamut from warrior to nerd. And back again. Hope you enjoy!

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